“I am forever chasing light. Light turns the ordinary into the magical.”

– Trent Parke

01) Untitled – Isoken Ikpea

Photo by Isoken Ikpea

This photo centers around the idea of how light can be reflected by certain surfaces, like water in this case. The focal point is the giant “Domino Sugars” sign at the top of the building, but our eyes end up trailing downwards, following the light’s reflection as it appears to come closer and closer to the camera.

02) Fire Show – Jolie Hammer

Photo by Jolie Hammer

A photo taken in the midst of a fireworks show, framed by trees shrouded in the darkness of the night.

03) Cherry Blossom – Arnab Sanyal

Photo by Arnab Sanyal

A black and white filter is used to put emphasis on the sun’s rays and how it evenly spreads out, as the lighter colors and distinctly separated from the darker colors and therefore make the former more pronounced. The cherry blossoms serve as a frame, effectively placing the sun at the center of the image.

04) Lamp Post – Arnab Sanyal

Photo by Arnab Sanyal

A lamplight glowing in the surrounding darkness during nightfall. The yellow stands out from the dark environment, and the white glow in the inside further contrasts the yellow around it.

05) Untitled – Mussie Ambaye

Photo by Mussie Ambaye

A beautiful scene with sunlight reflecting on the ocean at a beach during the evening. The reflection on the water forms a line that appears to flow towards the viewer, creating a fascinating effect that makes the photograph stand out.


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